“Drink to your Health”
Milk Thistle
Known as the "Smart Herb" Milk Thistle Extract is thought to protect and repair the cells in your liver.
Vitamin B Complex
The B Vitamins are thought to help prevent headaches by dilating the blood vessels in the brain.
Prickly Pear
Prickly Pear is thought to improve cognitive functions and speed up recovery time.
Blueberry Extract
Blueberry is extremely high in anti-oxidants which are thought to protect cells from damages of chemical reactions in the body.
Evidence increasingly shows that Betaine is a critical nutrient in protecting and enhancing the function of internal organs and improving vascular risk metrics.
Glutathione is considered to be the ultimate warrior anti-oxidant. It is a vital enzyme contained within your cells which is thought to detox the liver and destroy acetaldehyde which is a know carcinogen created when your liver filters alcohol.
Dandelion Extract
Dandelion Root Extract may be effective in reducing inflammation due to the presence of various bioactive compounds like polyphenols within the plant.

What about the rest of the ingredients?
Party Armor Protection Nutritional Facts Panel and Ingredients

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